Day 381 [Oct. 19/09] -- Eyeing the weather

53 11 S, 70 55 W --- Rafted in a harbor in Punta Arenas, Chile

Today's Report [0915 JST]

Saito called for the weather report in anticipation of a possible departure tomorrow. He expressed concern when told of an approaching cold front and the low pressure just below Cape Horn.
He said that 992 (the current barometric pressure in Punta Arenas) is "not bad," but was less happy about the 980 and 975 pressure readings nearer the Horn where seas just below the cape are running about 4 meters with winds blowing out of the west in the high 20s.
Those conditions are likely to remain for several more days. The late-winter weather is still quite changeable so it could improve by next week, or worsen.
He said he'd wait to make his decision on departure after tomorrow's weather update.
See the previous post for today's weather forecast and wave conditions.