Day 397 [Nov. 4/09] -- Back in Punta Arenas

Position (0800 JST)
53°10'S, 70°55'W -- Punta Arenas
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Today's Report

At 0830 local time Saito-san called to say he had arrived in Punta Arenas. He was exhausted and disappointed, but clearly glad to be be back where the engine and generator can get professional attention. The contaminated fuel will be cleaned or replaced and the tanks flushed.

We will provide updates over the next several day as we learn more.

His "circumnavigation" from Punta Arenas, around the Horn, and back to Punta Arenas was 1,400 nn and took 10 days. Of that, 182 nm were under tow.

When he is ready, he will resume from the west entrance of the Strait of Magellan, and will not have to make a third transit of the Horn to fulfill the route requirement of his No. 8 circumnavigation.